An Affectionate Farewell: The Story of Old Abe and Old Bob


Old Bob was Old Abe’s horse and he was loyal. The manes of both horse and master blew haphazardly this way and that as their way across the prairies long before Old Abe became the most important President America ever had.

Old Bob took his master over barely passable trails, across almost unfordable rivers, through endless reaches of tall grass and heavy rain which obscured any view, as Abraham Lincoln rode the circuit of his law practice often for months at a time. Their temperaments matched: strong, calm, dependable, and intelligent. Old Bob was there when they voted Old Abe into the presidency of the United States of America. Old Abe was there in the parade to celebrate the Union victory in that special red, white, and blue blanket covered in tiny Union flags.

Tragically he was there too as the nation mourned their assassinated President. He walked in a place of honor behind the hearse as Abraham Lincoln was borne through the streets of Springfield to the beat of muffled drums to be buried in the Oak Ridge Cemetery. Old Bob and Old Abe is a story of companionship and honor, of a man who loved animals and men, and treated both with respect and dignity in a time in American history when freedom was won.

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